
Finnish Association of Development Agencies – SEKES


SEKES’s membership is comprised of 57 development agencies, the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, The Finnish Enterprise Agencies and the Federation Of Finnish Enterprises. In addition, SEKES and the European Association of Economic Development Agencies (EURADA) have reciprocal association membership.

Organisation and office

SEKES operations are organised through active member and network activities. In the TeamFinland building on Porkkalankatu 1 in the Ruoholahti district of Helsinki, the resources of the SEKES office consist of the executive director’s work contribution and outsourcing services.

Board of Directors 2025


Ulla Björn, Alavuden Kehitys Oy


Vesa Alanko-Luopa, Järvi-Pohjanmaan Yrityspalvelu Oy

Tomi Haring, Business Joensuu Oy

Daniela Mårtenson, Ab Jakobstadsregionens Utvecklingsbolag Concordia

Timo Paakki, Mikkelin kehitysyhtiö Miksei Oy

Vuokko Paso, Utajärven Yrityspuisto Oy

Fredrik Pressler, Posintra Oy

Riikka Tuomivaara, Pudasjärven Kehitys Oy

Tomi Tura, Lahden Seudun Kehitys LADEC Oy

Sari Åkerlund, Business Äänekoski

Expert members

Mikko Härkönen, Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities

Tanja Matikainen, Association of Finnish Enterprises

Piia Malmberg, The Finnish Enterprise Agencies